team effectiveness - coworkers in the workplace

I’ll never forget the day I got the S.O.S. call from Kathy, the leader of one of the most effective teams I have ever encountered. The people on Kathy’s team were true role models; consistent high performers with a solid reputation for creating impactful results for those they served. They worked extremely well together, bouncing ideas off one another and banding together to drive continuous improvement.

Then, after a shake-up at the higher levels of the organization, it all screeched to a halt. Kathy’s team was clearly struggling to focus on the right priorities, finding it difficult to achieve goals that seemed to be constantly changing. Team morale took a hit as they worried about letting their customers down and tarnishing their reputation, and fear led to a deep lack of trust to speak up candidly. They were swirling!

Even the highest-performing teams can face situations that cause their effectiveness to derail. Fortunately, there are 9 key elements we can focus on to help get the team back on track!

The Foundation for Team Effectiveness

Simply stated, the foundation for team effectiveness boils down to having the right focus, the right environment, and the right performance. These create the conditions necessary for a team to effectively develop and thrive. Let’s examine the three elements that comprise each, collectively known as the 9 Elements of Team Effectiveness!

The Right Focus – Creating Alignment

1. Shared Mission: Why are we here? What is our purpose? Is that something that engages and excites me?

2. Clear Strategy: What are we committed to accomplishing together? Do we agree on the plan to make it happen?

3. Achievable Goals/Objectives: How will we get there? How will I contribute? How will my teammates contribute?

Creating alignment requires effective leadership that communicates a clear vision and cares for the team. They encourage open discussions to invite input and suggestions while challenging the team to come to an agreement and align around a shared vision.

The Right Environment – Fostering Collaboration

4. Trust and Respect: This is the cornerstone of any great team: assume positive intent, have each other’s best interests in mind, and remain open to feedback.

5. Open, Honest Communication: Say how you feel without judgment from others. Have honest discussions rather than complaining.

6. Healthy/Difficult Conversations: Work towards a common goal, invite team members to voice opposing opinions and ideas, and listen fully to understand each perspective and commit to actions that serve both parties and the goals.

Collaboration requires a willingness to work together to overcome challenges, make solution-focused decisions, and be open to innovation. Flexibility and adaptability are essential!

The Right Performance – Driving Action

7. Clear Roles and Responsibilities: To get into action, know what you can count on each other for and who to go to for what area of expertise, and identify opportunities for partnership.

8. Commitments: Ability to say no or renegotiate, hold each other accountable, and reprioritize when there are too many tasks or projects.

9. Feedback and Coaching: High willingness to give and receive feedback and coaching, committed to the team’s success, willing to discuss issues and challenges even when it’s uncomfortable to do so.

Driving action requires people knowing their roles and being committed to each other’s success. Leaders use interviewing/hiring to bring in the right talent and provide the training and development necessary for team success.

Want To Learn More? Our Team Effectiveness programs are customized to meet the goals of the organization and the development needs of the individuals. We focus on raising self-awareness and changing behaviors so teams and leaders become more effective and productive.