Thanksgiving DISC StylesBehavioral style, that is! Here’s a little holiday fun – a look at Thanksgiving from each of the DISC behavioral style factors. See if you recognize yourself! Or maybe a relative? Whatever your behavioral profile style, Data Dome wishes you and your family a safe and fun Thanksgiving holiday!

High D Style

For the high D, Thanksgiving is a time to catch up on goals. They never get enough done anyway, so make it a short dinner and go on to accomplish other things. Typically, they plan at the last minute – guests, shopping, meal prep – and do so with personal and/or business goals in mind. Often, when they realize there is not time enough to properly make dinner they will go out/take everyone to a restaurant. If they do attempt to make it themselves, you should probably get out of the kitchen. No rules here! The high D goes with whatever looks fast and efficient. Something will probably fall through the cracks so be prepared to scramble to compensate (run to the store). Once dinner is over, it is over. They will not want to clean up as they already did all the work/mess. What’s next to do/conquer?

High I Style

The high I sees Thanksgiving as a great opportunity to party. Everything is exciting this time of year; from shopping, to preparing, to the party itself. And everyone must have a good time! They love to decorate for the party and to invite as many friends, family, and neighbors as they can seat, especially anyone who may be alone (their worst fear!). If there are too many people, they may ask to go potluck style with everyone bringing their favorite food/beverage! And expect creative fun – putting certain people with others, icebreakers to get strangers to converse. Anything and everything to keep everyone happy and talking. Often the high I realizes that around the holiday is a good time to catch up on work since all of those distracting conversations that always prevents them from accomplishing things are now impossible, as everyone else is on vacation. Amazing how much more gets done with no one to talk to!

High S Style

The high S likes to be well prepared with no surprises. They will start preparing well in advance, with lots of homemade items, not the quick off-the-shelf stuff! They will prepare foods they know everyone in the family will like, from family traditions to special dishes for those with special tastes/needs. Try something different? Only if somebody new is coming and they may like something different than the usual – better be prepared! The high S will drive to grandma’s house using the same route every year. Like the high I, Thanksgiving Day is not a time to be alone. Often friends will act as the substitute family. To the high S, making everyone feel comfortable and relaxed is a major focus. They may even have homemade treats for pets to take home and they probably know everyone’s family members (and pets) by name.

High C Style

The high C sees the holiday a bit different, not necessarily appreciating large gatherings. Quality is more important, both in people and food. They may eat out at a nice place with just a few close friends or family. If they do prepare dinner themselves, they will probably prepare from exact recipes. They will require exactly the right shopping ingredients. They may even send out invitations that require an RSVP. The event itself is typically more formal; from the seating arrangement to the décor (and rarely much in leftovers). Be careful if you ask a high C how they prepared a particular dish. You will get not only more detail than you ever could imagine, you will also get everything else from prices to the best stores to buy from to seasonal influences, etc. Be careful if you criticize the high C because you may get an explanation of why you are not exactly right. And if you offer to help clean up, you better be good at it (i.e., immaculate).

~ Inspired by the writing of Art Schoeck, our founder