Leadership Development Training
Your Bridge or Barrier to Organizational Success!
We’re here to help you develop better leaders through Leadership Development Training. Statistics show that the number one reason employees stay or leave and succeed or fail is directly correlated to their relationship with their manager, not the company. We believe that managers are an essential key to employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Are people looking forward to their next interaction with your Leaders (or not!)?
Self-Awareness Changes Motivation and Engagement
Dominant Dan
Innovative, results-oriented, urgent!
Sometimes too demanding, argumentative, intimidating.
Influencing Iris
Optimistic, influential, motivational!
Sometimes superficial, self-promoting, lacks focus and follow through.
Steady Samantha
Loyal, dependable, team player!
Sometimes avoids conflict, resists change, lacks urgency
Compliant Charles
Analytical, detail-oriented, accurate!
Sometimes critical, inflexible, bogged down in details.
Our Leadership and Team Programs
Our Leadership and Team Programs are customized to meet the goals of the organization and development needs of the individuals. We focus on raising self-awareness and changing behaviors so teams and Leaders become more effective and productive. Your specific program may include just one component or all six depending on the defined needs, time and resources that are available.
Following are some of the components that can be incorporated into your Leadership and Team Effectiveness program:
DISC Behavioral Styles
HOW we interact and communicate with others will make or break a team and is critical to the success of Leaders.This section focuses on understanding DISC strengths and limitations and where behavioral styles either builds or hinders trust and collaboration. Participants will determine new ways to adapt, leading to increased communication, stronger relationships, and better results. DISC Behavioral Styles assesses 4 different factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.
Workplace Motivators
Motivators are the key to revealing how individuals are uniquely driven at work and how to best keep them engaged and productive.This section focuses on the WHY behind an individual’s actions, showcasing what motivates their behavior. Not only will it bring insight to the Leaders, it will also help them improve employee engagement, decision making and build more effective teams. Workplace Motivators assesses 6 different factors; Theoretical, Individualistic, Aesthetic, Social, Utilitarian, and Traditional.
Emotional Quotient
Research shows that people who possess higher levels of emotional intelligence (EQ) are more confident and successful leaders.This section focuses on self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social-awareness, and social-regulation. Participants will better understand their emotional “triggers” and how to respond in a more positive way. EQ determines an individual’s ability to understand and effectively apply the power of emotional well-being to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity.
360 Feedback
“Perception is reality” - Understanding and adapting to the needs of our boss, peers, direct reports, and even customers leads to improved effectiveness, relationships, and results.Participants will receive targeted feedback about how they are perceived by others, both positively and negatively. This section will distinguish how participants can leverage strengths and develop limitations to take their leadership and the team to the next level. The 360 Feedback competencies are customized to reflect your organization’s focus.
Productive Conflict
Avoiding difficult conversations keeps organizations stuck. The ability to effectively have difficult conversations changes everything.This methodology develops the courage and confidence needed to engage in difficult conversations in a way that is open, honest, and respectful. It gives participants the tools to speak up when they object, address issues head-on rather than choosing the silent treatment, and dive into potentially risky discussions without fear.
One-on-One Coaching
To fully develop capability takes insight, self-awareness, motivation, and new behaviors.This section focuses on working with a coach who provides direct, candid feedback and helps participants uncover what keeps them stuck and create strategies to move forward. Having a coach for each participant or just some that may need more development will ensure that you see changes in attitude, behaviors and results.